Title: Not that badge...
Category: Pop Rock
sOME1 StoLE My Gf...
SoMe1 StoLE My GF...
My liYANA JasMAy...
dUDe U sTOLE mY dAY...
dUdE ALL i wanT to say...
nOt mY Liyana..
Not mY LiYana...
Dude..u hV to finD anoTher 1..
Not that badge, not that badge
i want Liyana's badge..
simple thing i wanna say..
Not that badge..
lyric: Geo
song: Geo
what a Song...haha....
SpeCially 4 Megat Rusydi(in thE piX) wHo sTole mY gF..hahaha...
p/s BrOooo..u one LuckY man!!!
Category: Pop Rock
sOME1 StoLE My Gf...
SoMe1 StoLE My GF...
My liYANA JasMAy...
dUDe U sTOLE mY dAY...
dUdE ALL i wanT to say...
nOt mY Liyana..
Not mY LiYana...
Dude..u hV to finD anoTher 1..
Not that badge, not that badge
i want Liyana's badge..
simple thing i wanna say..
Not that badge..
lyric: Geo
song: Geo
what a Song...haha....
SpeCially 4 Megat Rusydi(in thE piX) wHo sTole mY gF..hahaha...
p/s BrOooo..u one LuckY man!!!