ActuallY I'm Quite boring todayyy......tHen Suddenly plak Terjooompaaa "Wonderpet" Dkt uTube..haha...Sooo Funny laaa...n At d sametimE Annoying...haha.SEwiussss....
1. You must answer all the questions.
2. Tag 5 people to do this quiz. (hehe...wajib2!)
1. What's your full name?
2. Do you hate someone at this moment?
- nOPe!i'm rationale!
3. What makes you hate her/him?
- The reason is given above. Please kindly check, (copy paste jawapan Welz...lalala)
4. You love your family?
- Noo....Noooo Way....x mungkin I dun love them..YES!I love them!!!
5. List 5 names of your friends that you love.
- hehe...too many friends laaa...huhu...semua sy CINTA..haha
6. Why do you love them?
- crazy question loooo....bCoz they are part of my life!yeay2!(blanja me coke wehh...)
7. Who do you prefer, your dad or mom?
- TEngah2 "Negara Berkecuali"haha...actually Both. YES.
8. Did someone make you cry this week?
- Yes..someone stole my wonderpet(melankolik plz)!!Nooooo2. I've not been crying for a long2 time.
9. When was the last time you make your friend laugh?
- few minutes ago??(To see them Happy, I really relieve wehh, of course!.)
10. Do you like someone at this moment?
- Yes I do. I always do.(Again..Same answer with Welzan my fren,Soo..just copy laa)
11. What was the last present you received?
- Our band got 2 Award for "Irama Akustika interkolej"!!thanXX God!!I love u!
12. Are you missing someone?
- Yup..I miss my mum, my Siblings, my long lost fren, my hamster, my....Coke....haha
13. What was the last message did you received from your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?
- Geo...u r so cute(sorii..tHat's so lame..haha..not in the script!)..eRm..I forgot ooo...actually we still friend..soo...erm....still messaging I guess
14. What was the last comment you received?
- aIyooo...Erm...Comment bout what ya??neXt question ooo...huhu
15. What is your wish for your birthday this year?
- I hope I can improve myselF as a human Being!haha...I hope I x kahwin awal dulu...study2..haha...(touch the wood..)