fUlamak..x SangKA..I COming Bck to k17...
meeTIng Frens like FeliX..Gary...NIc...SeOw..Chin GUan..CozmaTes..leCturers..n juniOrs...seem so Different eventho nearly 2 - 4 month din see each 1 oF them...haha..n Chin GUan now bZ wif His Editing thing-->dRama for epi 3..watchouut!
Mmm..ObJectives utama Y n y I Blk is X LAen n X Bukan
haa...diZ tiMe is FOr Food ServicE..n Our ProjeCt title Was-->
APPROPRIATE CHICKEN CUTTING METHOD...n received quite good comment & respond from lecturer...sOoo happy TOday.thanX to GOd above=)...
sBb tu la..MINES jd sasaran Tmpat me n keYO
kaRaokE + Makan AIskRIm (Choco TOp) + HanGIn Out cuCi maTa + BOught sOme cool tee-shirt + plAying games
...FUlayooo..Best niee..
HeHe..SO far I hv to FOcus on my nXt BOTB (Battle of the Band) ON THIS 24TH Jan..dh la ad pRac..but my love 2wards music..suSah nk pisah..hehe...diz time k15 anJur..n our Band nAMe dh TookaR g "Remain Unknown" (previously-->17Clan) haha...Hopefullly diZ tym.more luck n more joyful experience!sOo now we'r in the proCess oF practising n keeP on PRactising..tough nuMber this tYm bEb..better b prepared tho.haha..
Mm..SO Far...It's quite Weird to c all d final year (same Batch nGan sy) sOOO damn Busy with tHei FYP..luckily we xde..Huuuuh...sOo wutt
I hv to do is 2 kuRangkan
"PROSES KACAU2" people...
haha...sOo noW wuTt i trying to do..NOW..in my fren's rum...
1). SUrfing people's bLog
2). Listening to Led zeppelin / Gary Moore's SOngs
3) SmsIng
4) Finishin Food service REPorT...
mmm..kinD of bOwing laa sumtime..haha
Ooo..gimme a breaK!..hehe...