meeTIng Frens like FeliX..Gary...NIc...SeOw..Chin GUan..CozmaTes..leCturers..n juniOrs...seem so Different eventho nearly 2 - 4 month din see each 1 oF them...haha..n Chin GUan now bZ wif His Editing thing-->dRama for epi 3..watchouut!
Mmm..ObJectives utama Y n y I Blk is X LAen n X Bukan
haa...diZ tiMe is FOr Food ServicE..n Our ProjeCt title Was-->APPROPRIATE CHICKEN CUTTING METHOD
...n received quite good comment & respond from lecturer...sOoo happy TOday.thanX to GOd above=)...
sBb tu la..MINES jd sasaran Tmpat me n keYO
kaRaokE + Makan AIskRIm (Choco TOp) + HanGIn Out cuCi maTa + BOught sOme cool tee-shirt + plAying games
...FUlayooo..Best niee..
HeHe..SO far I hv to FOcus on my nXt BOTB (Battle of the Band) ON THIS 24TH Jan..dh la ad pRac..but my love 2wards music..suSah nk pisah..hehe...diz time k15 anJur..n our Band nAMe dh TookaR g "Remain Unknown" (previously-->17Clan) haha...Hopefullly diZ tym.more luck n more joyful experience!sOo now we'r in the proCess oF practising n keeP on PRactising..tough nuMber this tYm bEb..better b prepared tho.haha..
Mm..SO Far...It's quite Weird to c all d final year (same Batch nGan sy) sOOO damn Busy with tHei FYP..luckily we xde..Huuuuh...sOo wutt I hv to do is 2 kuRangkan "PROSES KACAU2" people...
haha...sOo noW wuTt i trying to my fren's rum...
1). SUrfing people's bLog
2). Listening to Led zeppelin / Gary Moore's SOngs
3) SmsIng
4) Finishin Food service REPorT...
mmm..kinD of bOwing laa sumtime..haha
Ooo..gimme a breaK!..hehe...
whoa..led zappelin??km perform stairway in heaven kah??
At FirsT..hoho..Tp peRUbahan Akn bLaku Cozzz..both sLOw Song..hoho..
waa..gile la..dah la part guitar solo susah gile.kamu nak nyanyi part ending tu lagi la..can't imagine!!huhu
Hehe...."Unimaginable" kan??haha...
Hehe...."Unimaginable" kan??haha...
appropriate chicken cutting??
sounds interesting.. can i have a copy of that since m doing my elective course on poultry (chicken) production nw...
Cn2..u want it???suree!!
mm..just drOop ur emel ya=)
dis mine or
again thanx.
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