Thr's BattLe of d Band (15 Big Jamm) Held--> McM dLm Tag tuLis "the Bid to Seek the Ultimate Band Beginss..aiii aiii aiii)
ThAnX to God...Again ...KamI MenAng Lagi n Kali ni Johan n tWice a roW Vocal tErbaEk..(ThAnx to God)...dIz Tym jg dGN Nama Band "ReMain UnKnowN" (17 Clan dTukar aTas sEbab2 yG uNik..)...
ReMain UnKnoWn cOnsistS Of:
1). FirDaus (Lead GuiTar)
2). GabbY (GuiTar)
3). KebAb (BasIst)
4). SyaKir (COnGa)
5). Yen Fong (KeyBOardIst)
6). Rashid (DrummEr)
7). Me (VocaLisT)
1). FirDaus (Lead GuiTar)
2). GabbY (GuiTar)
3). KebAb (BasIst)
4). SyaKir (COnGa)
5). Yen Fong (KeyBOardIst)
6). Rashid (DrummEr)
7). Me (VocaLisT)
MBaWa 2 Lagu =====1). RunnIng Away (HoobasTank)
2). SMooTh (SanTana fEat RoB tHomas)
Nie La OuR peRfoRmance...Tym ni TuRn no.3..Mmg Cuak SYal...haha
2). SMooTh (SanTana fEat RoB tHomas)
Nie La OuR peRfoRmance...Tym ni TuRn no.3..Mmg Cuak SYal...haha
WiF diZ peRf..We dPt 15 Big Jamm ChamPiOn / BesT vocaList!!wow!!
Ckp Psal PerFOrmance..Actually..All of Us ChALlenge oUr uS to b as POYO as Possible...haha..PoYO yg PosItiF k!!!EnjOyin ouR owN perFOrmancE..n It wOrkss!!..haha...Still RemEMbEr Tym Mic ROsak but It's all wenT well aFter Dat....nAsiiib Woooo....
ActuallY...I'm ReaLly2 suPrise cOz Actually thE 0Ther 12 gROup Pun aD BISA tersenDirii...huhu..... N to b HoneSt...I rEallY Proud TO b in This Band....serIous!!!!
Well..AnothEr IntEresTing paGe happen in my LiFe...I'm Really gRateFul...
Huuhuu...n Thr's SO Many PeOple I Want TO Thank...
ThAnnnXXX sBb suPporT us dGn KuaT skALi my Friendss..
NOt FOrgetting TOns oF "Good LUck" Sms...TerHAru la!!!!I Love u All Beb!!!alSo tO all oF d judges!!!=PthanX u all!
"JusT likE the Ocean unDer d Moon..D same as the emoTion dat I geT fROm uu..."cheeWah!!
wah menang ek.. tahniah goe!! :)
oppss.. typo suda.. *geo ;)
Waaaa Miss Dayah...Trimas byk2 k!!yeayy!reZeki2..=)
Waaaa Miss Dayah...Trimas byk2 k!!yeayy!reZeki2..=)
Waaaa Miss Dayah...Trimas byk2 k!!yeayy!reZeki2..=)
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