Monday, June 7, 2010

HangiN oUt!


SOooo SOoo Long X BERSIHkan Blog...mmm hurM....bLa Dh sTart MalaS...

Penyakit Malas BerBLog Semakin MjaDI2...

huhu...X leh Jadi niee...acTually TergErak Hati sY to Conteng COntang Blog ni (blum tido lg...tym ni kul 2.34am....)...

As u nOe..sY nie mmG Luv sgt2 tGk battle Of the Band...mYbe ReZeki..Hr tuUu..Me n Bunch oF Close Friend g 1B....BesT!!Then..1 of my friend Pny Adek (Yus) Drummer n mlm tu he involved wiTh 2nd prima Akustika ---Battle of acustic..Soo Apalagi..Layannnnn....^_^ Introooo...sOooo DOrg menAri2 dl..eWah2...btw I like gurl yg skirt merah tu...hee

Yg nie Band yg menang..(sorry X tau name)...KEKUATAN = lagu mantap / harmoni best / muzik aarangement yg mmg power = JOHAN!!!

yg ni Naib Johan dr sandakan..haha..KEKUATAN = Showmanship choices medley yg entertaining!prooved that Last group pn bToxic!

3rd Place..from tawau...aMong my Fave band that nite..KEKUATAN = Vocalist (male) & gendang..

Beside thr's 2 Band I really2 like coz their soooo unique>>

"Sape" --sarawak instrument...blend well with music doRg..cayala!

It's hard to find vocalist yg leh men guitar, men seruling , Rapping at the same tYm!TabiQ brOoo!

Yg BlacK Shirt Tu Adik Yus!! smart gak!

Yg ni Plak Former Winner...N ya!theY really2 amazed me....Mmg deserVed...5 star beb!

In ConclusioN--> haha..U guys Try2 la g Attend anY Battle of the bAnd competitiOn..sGt2 SyioooK ooooo...Reminds me Of 17clan--Remain Unknown!=)heeeehe..