tO all Sabahan Yooo!!
yEss...hehe..Happy Kaamatan yaa...hehe...
Let me intrOduce a bit wutt is Kaamatan..it's actually PESTA MENUAI for kaum kadazan/dusun..hehe..Well..Beside a rememberance for Padi spirit (dulo2...skang..noPe)..they will displaY the hoW the ancestor tuai Padi n so On...During KaamaTaN mmg KonFirm Ramaiii Beb..SpeciallY in a placa called HongkOd...Sn la Tmpat unduk Ngadau (beauty pageant Competition)...Mr Unduk ngadau...ermm...Minum2 (Until Drunk...That's how the Culture is!)..N dance--SUMAZAU!hehe..Do come to sabah on MAY!hehe...
Happy HarVest!
na, pi potong padi cepat.....
anyway, Njoy this holiday.........
Ko laaa...p poTOng Padiii..cpattt..Tamparuli cpat!
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