Monday, October 26, 2009


Di SaaT kwn2 ku Nk Exam..tym NIeee laaa sY Abes-AbesAn Blogging, FaceBooking....hehe..Tetiba TerinGAt SaTu event Kolej 17 yg MAntap Amat!!how come I forgot!!???...well Mai Sy sHAre..hehe...

EVENT ni ==>17 GOT TALENT ->
Competition ni CompetitiOn universal as far as I noe...suma Talent leh laWan...mlm tu talent DANCE, Nyanyi, Musical Instrument mmg hebaT..But HOnestly I prefer DANCE sbb a Good Fren of mine..MENANG!!!!!really Proud of him~~~speechless!!!!

To GARY~~~>>u deserve it!!!!sgt2!

mantAPpp!!here's d viDeOoo-Oo

AMacam??100% agree???haha...that's y he is the WINNER!!yee..Goyang GOyang..GOyang Goyang!!I'm proud to b ur supporter laa!!

Beside That...Hat's off to Kalai n Anuar!!1st runner Up....I really enjoy Watching their Groove YOoo!!GO junior!!

I really respect u La NUAR!!n Kalai Too!!

HeHe..ThaT n the Band (17CLAN) oso DId a Performance!!hehe....SWEET CHILD O MINE>..hehehe...Really grateful to hv SUch SPorting Audience thr!!!!Siap nyanYI sm2 lg...Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo..Sweet Child O mine~~~ ..among the best audience we Had so far..Go guys!!

SY mMg njoOooY glaaa mLm TUu!!!THannnXXX Guysss...17 CLan (FIrDAus/Abg KamaL/KeBab/Det-->U guys owEz d best!!!)..n of coZZ..all d contestant..thanK u for d performance u md!!


Vivian Lee said...

oh my god, thanks for posting this geo...... I CAN"T BELIEVE I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!

haihzzzzzzzz...... wish i was in kolej that time.... but neways. at least i got to see some of the videos:)

K17 rockkksss!!

SirGeo said...


Miss you my FRiend!!!!Glad to hear Frommm youu!!

k17 ROckkkss!!!!yeeha!yaaa...wish u there...hehe!!